ZIP Code 40440, Junction City, Ky-wv, USA
The ZIP Code 40440 denotes the postal area located in Junction City, KY. Alongside fundamental details, it also provides the complete ZIP code and the address corresponding to ZIP Code 40440. Additionally, it furnishes further information pertaining to ZIP Code 40440, including nearby ZIP codes and related details.
40440 ZIP Code, Junction City, KY, United States
This ZIP Code 40440 corresponds to the following geographic regions. Below you can find the details for the postal code:
- Area name: Central
- Area code: 4J
- District name: Ky-wv
- District No.: 400
- Delivery Zip Code: 40440
- Locale name: Junction City
- Phisical Delivery Address: 810 W Shelby St
- City: Junction City
- State: KY
- Physical ZIP 4: 9998
ZIP Code 40440 Status Definitions
- PRIMARY. Denotes the primary city name, which is the official name recognized by authorities. In some cases, the city may also have an alternative acceptable name.
- ACCEPTABLE. Signifies an appropriate city name that meets the required standards. City names may be deemed unacceptable if they are abbreviated, as abbreviations are not considered valid city name formats.
- NOT ACCEPTABLE. Indicates an insufficient or incorrect city name that has been provided or entered based on the available information.
- UNIQUE. Designated for a specific entity, such as a company, government agency, or organization, with a notable volume of mail. This designation is determined by factors including the average daily volume of letter-sized mail received, the availability of ZIP Code numbers within the postal area, and a cost-benefit analysis conducted by the US postal service.
Important ZIP Code 40440 Information – Junction City
ZIP Code 40440 is situated in Junction City, KY, encompassing an area of 0 square miles.
Designated as a PO Box ZIP Code, 40440 primarily serves Post Office box deliveries, with mailbox delivery being a minority use.
40440 operates in the Eastern timezone and observes daylight saving time. Telephone services are provided by Area Code: 4J
Post Office in ZIP Code 40440, Junction City
Junction City serves as the sole post office within ZIP Code 40440. Below, you’ll find the address. Scroll to access information regarding services offered for Junction City.
- Junction City Post Office Address: 810 W Shelby St
RAYNHAM CENTER serves as the sole post office within ZIP Code 02768. Below, you’ll find the address, phone number, and interactive map. Click to access information regarding services offered and operating hours for RAYNHAM CENTER.
How to write a U.S. envelope to Junction City, 40440?
Firstly, ensure the recipient’s mailing information is accurately filled in the center of the envelope. The first line should contain the recipient’s name, followed by the street address including a detailed house number on the second line, and concluding with the city, state abbreviation, and ZIP Code on the last line.
Secondly, write the sender’s information on the top left corner of the envelope. In the event that the mail cannot be delivered, it will be returned to the sender’s address.
Lastly, remember to affix the stamp to the top right corner of the envelope. Failure to do so may result in the letter being excluded from the delivery process. ZIP Code 40440, Junction City, Ky-wv.